WIC News

Promoting Opportunities for Women in Engineering (POWE) Conference 2022

On Saturday, February 26th, female-identifying students from grades 7 to 11 attended the annual “POWE Girls in Engineering Conference” held virtually through McGill University.

The goal of the all-day, hands-on conference is to promote opportunities for women in the field of engineering. POWE is a philanthropic group at McGill University under the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). This conference is geared towards female-identified students who have a strong interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) related fields.

West Island College girls participated in a design competition, listened to a variety of speakers, including professors, students, and women presently working in the field, and went on virtual tours of the McGill engineering laboratory facilities. The hope is to promote awareness about the opportunities available for females in engineering and to encourage our female students to consider all the advantages that come with choosing to pursue this exciting field!