Our commitment:
We will take your child Above and Beyond!
At West Island College, we strongly believe that our educational offering goes above and beyond. We are committed to encouraging each child to succeed; celebrating his/her strengths (academic, athletic, leadership or otherwise), motivating and coaching each child to achieve his/her personal best, and exposing him/her to as many opportunities as they are willing to embrace.
Included in our fees
The “Pursuit of Excellence” Report Cards (4) and ceremonies celebrating excellence
Each report card is reviewed by a grade level Director. If your child demonstrates particular strengths, they are encouraged. If your child demonstrates particular weaknesses in a subject matter, an action plan is put into place as early as the first report card in November, in order to ensure that each student receives the appropriate support. Parents and students are invited to various ceremonies (Opening ceremonies, closing ceremonies and graduation) held during the year to celebrate student achievements in athletics, leadership, individual effort and academics. The cost of these ceremonies. as well as the prizes and awards. are covered in the fees.
Services covering the social, cultural and leadership development
These services cover the outdoor education trips that form part of the educational program at each grade level, as well as the subsidized portion of the cultural excursions, social or community-focused activities. The fees charged for these services cover the transportation, user fees or purchase of specific materials, the fees of guides and supervisors, entrance fees (for example at a museum), cost of meals, lodging and rental of equipment.
All other non-educational services offered
Including but not limited to:
- Monitoring
- After-school and lunch time supervision
- Group tutoring and exam preparation, when available
- Study groups
- Extra-help classes organized outside of the normal class days not included in the school calendar.
Extra-curricular activities
Each student must participate in at least one extra-curricular activity per term. WIC offers more than 40 competitive sports and clubs to choose from, which allows students to pursue an existing passion or try something new. These fees cover all associated costs, including team uniforms, transport to & from events, facility rentals, coaching costs and teacher supervision, etc.
Technology fees
This includes individual student email accounts, access to the student and parent portals, access to WIC’s wireless network, as well as the maintenance and upgrades to the network.
Excursions (the cost of excursions, field trips, etc.)
Whether students are visiting Quebec City, Ottawa, hiking in the Adirondacks, visiting a local museum or tagging and studying fish in a nearby stream, all of the costs related to such learning opportunities are covered in the fee structure.
Not included in our fees: Books, uniforms, international trips, carnival, ski club, the Grad trip and all other optional activities.
2024-25 Fees
Educational Fees
Non-Educational Fees
(The WIC Difference)
School fee payment schedules
OPTion A
At Contract Signing: $200.00
4 equal payments:
- 01-09-2024
- 01-10-2024
- 01-11-2024
- 01-01-2025
option b
At Contract Signing: $200.00
6 equal payments:
- 01-09-2024
- 01-10-2024
- 01-11-2024
- 01-01-2025
- 01-02-2025
- 01-03-2025
option c
At Contract Signing: $200.00
8 equal payments:
- 01-09-2024
- 01-10-2024
- 01-11-2024
- 01-12-2024
- 01-01-2025
- 01-02-2025
- 01-03-2025
- 01-04-2025
Scholarships & Financial Aid
WIC’s reputation consistently attracts applicants from over 35 elementary schools in Montreal, St Laurent, Laval and the West Island. Building our scholarship and financial aid funds ensures the financial support and recognition that will allow us to continue to attract and retain students who are well-rounded, community-driven and hard-working. Over the last 4 decades, over 250 families have benefited from scholarships and financial aid. Together we can provide students with scholarships and financial aid so that anyone who dreams of studying at WIC can be given that opportunity. Donate now!
The Rita and Victor Bertrand Foundation Inspiring Generations Bursary began in 2016 and is open to incoming secondary I students only. Students are to apply for the bursary at the same time as they apply for admissions, according to the instructions in the “How to apply” section. Each bursary of $5,000 per year ($25,000 total bursary) is awarded to deserving students for the duration of their WIC education. There are a limited number of bursaries available.
The Martin Bailly Bursary Fund helps students who need some level of financial assistance. New and existing WIC students (secondary II – V) in need are welcome to apply. The amount of financial assistance can vary per student and is dependent on the funds available and number of requests per year.
How to apply
We have retained the services of Apple Financial Services to assess all requests received. Both parents must complete the online application and submit the required documents. Apple provides an objective analysis of each application, with a recommendation of what the family should reasonably contribute towards the total fees. The Financial Aid Committee then reviews the results and approves the final grants, subject to the availability of funds. Families are notified in writing of the committee’s decision.
The financial aid granted is of one-year duration. Families must reapply each year if their financial need persists.
The College trusts that the information provided on the application is accurate and truthful. Any evidence to the contrary will put the student’s standing at WIC in jeopardy and risk a repeal, retroactively, of all the financial aid awarded.
To apply for the aid, please enter your request online at https://www.applefinancialservices.ca/instructions/before_applying. There are instructions on how to complete the application and their customer service team is available to answer any questions you may have.
The portal for the 2025-26 school year will be open as of September 30, 2024, and the deadline is October 31, 2024.