WIC News

Junior and Senior Debate Teams at McGill and QSDA Provincial Championships – February 2019

February has been a busy month for WIC’s Junior and Senior Debate Teams. On February 1st-2nd both teams participated in the McGill Winter Bonanza tournament hosted by the McGill Debate Union. For our junior team, composed of Secondary 1 students, Alexandra and Serena, this event marked their first experience with Canadian parliamentary style debate. Although the motions were quite sophisticated, the students rose to the challenge and walked away having gained invaluable experience. Their coach, Ms. Hastings, was impressed with their efforts.

On February 15th-16th junior team, Amanda and Alexa and senior team, Adrien and Jonathan, took part in the QSDA Junior and Senior Provincial Championships held at Vincent Massey Collegiate. Both teams participated in 6 rounds of rigorous debate and demonstrated skill, perseverance and teamwork throughout the tournament. As always, they made their respective coaches, Ms. Hastings and Mr. Stevens, extremely proud.