Always heartwarming and unforgettable, illness the show is produced by dedicated West Island College students. Of course the stars of the show are WIAIH participants!
As always, there will be two shows on Saturday May 7, 2016 – at 12pm and 4pm.
This show has become a West Island favourite and we look forward to this one with anticipation.
For West Islanders and their families, this event brings awareness of the challenges faced by citizens living with an intellectual disability or autism, and instills sense of pride and spirit of cooperation in alléinvolved. The heart of WIAIH’s mission involves sensitizing local residents to the exceptional personalities and talents of its members.
Tickets will be available at the door or at WIAIH. Tickets cost 15$ for adults, and 8$ for kids 3-12 years of age. All proceeds will benefit WIAIH.