Two students from the 3C Science & Technology class participated at the 2021 Hydro Quebec Montreal Regional Science Fair held online. It was one of our most successful years in the competition. We should be very proud of them and their accomplishments.
Maria Bayder will be representing our school at this year’s Provincial fair- Super Expo-Science and at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Maria was selected as one of three students, the other two students are from the Montreal Cegeps.
Gia De Rosa won many awards including the Hydro Quebec Energy Award and the Ministere des Transports du Quebec Award. Gia was selected to be an alternate participant should one of the 12 students drop out from the Provincials.
Below is the complete list of the prizes/awards won by these two students.
E-Bike Experience Gia De Rosa
- Great Distinction
- Hydro-Quebec Energy Award
- McGill University – Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Award
- Ministère des Transports du Québec
- Super expo-sciences Hydro Québec (SESHQ) Experimentation & Design Award – Alternate
Hide and Seek Help Maria Bayder
- Highest Distinction
- Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) Participation Award
- McGill University – Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Award
- McGill University – Faculty of Engineering Award
- Reseau ACTION TI-Youth Award in Information Technology, Secondary Level
- Silver Medal – Intermediate
- Super expo-sciences Hydro Québec (SESHQ) Experimentation