WIC News

Student Success

WIC students will begin to have access to a myBlueprint​ account this academic year. Using the online educational planning tool, students will begin the process of exploring education and career choices. This will remain accessible to all students even once they graduate from WIC. 

Through myBlueprint, students will consider the following 4 questions:  

  1. Who am I?  
  2. Who do I want to become?  
  3. What are my opportunities?  
  4. What are my plans to achieve my goals?  

Students will be able to import all of their relevant work while at WIC with the goal of building a portfolio that can be shared as a CV if they so choose. 

The first cohort to use this online tool will be secondary 1 and 2 students since this is a new government requirement called Academic and Career Guidance Content (you can read more about ACGC here)

“myBlueprint is being integrated into the curriculum so that teachers can guide students through the process of self-discovery at an appropriate pace and at the right time.” says Lori Belair, Director of Studies.

The secondary IV students will also have access immediately as it complements the Career course, while secondary V students are also exploring the platform in their ethics class in order to make better decisions when it comes time to CEGEP selection. The timing is ideal for getting ready for post-secondary school applications.