WIC News

La Soirée des Girls and Frères Fest ’19

Two fabulous events of empowerment and inspiration, La Soirée des Girls and Frères Fest recently took place at WIC and have set the stage for many years to come.  

La Soirée des Girls was held on February 22, and focused on the need for positive female friendships, setting goals and self-love. Just a few days prior to this event and to set the tone, female students were also invited to attend the screening of “Finding Kind” with their mothers at WIC.  Some of the highlights of the Soiree des Girls included guest speakers who shared their success stories (radio host, Natasha Gargiulo from Virgin Radio & Maddy K entrepreneur and event planner). The evening also included a pizza party, photo booths, self-defence, Dove video viewing and a stay real girls’ activity plus so much more!

Also a first at WIC, the boys had their own night at the Frères Fest ’19 on Friday, March 15. 7’ 2” former Harlem Globetrotter and guest speaker, Pascal Fleury, shared his personal story on the journey in life, his sports career and making choices. “Choosing wisely leads to wisdom”, he reminded our young male audience.  The boys also enjoyed a school-wide amazing race, bubble soccer, cooking class with chef Mike, escape room, casino, video games, 3D printing, board games, trivia, and lots of fun.

A well-deserved thank you goes to Ms. Alexandra Santamaria (girls night) and Mr. Anthony Suppa (boys night) for organizing the events.  Also, a shout out to all the volunteers who lent a helping hand leading up to and during the event.